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Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

Have questions? Check out the following to learn more!

Why wouldn’t I want to focus all our efforts on social media like LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter?

These platforms are always changing. Features that might allow you to bring in a ton of business today could be squashed tomorrow. Just see what Twitter did by banning political ads overnight and Facebook with their constantly changing how advertisers in highly regulated industries like Real Estate and lending can use their platform. Long story short, you shouldn’t put your eggs in one basket.

Why would I want to pay for the services you offer?

Short answer? We only want committed members who see the value in this sort of community. We feel that by setting a price (however low), it helps ensure that those who want to be here have some skin in the game. This isn’t a passive platform – if you’re on it, you need to be looking for ways to constantly use it.

Why wouldn’t I want to invest in some sort of national membership program instead of something local?

This membership program is for St. Louisans by St. Louisans. We want to serve the community and provide value in a very focussed way. You’ll notice that all the websites in our network are St. Louis-based. Our founder has been using this very system in the St. Louis area to grow his business so it works.

This isn’t like any type of Marketing I have seen before. Why would I want to try it?

Connecting St. Louis™ is a unique marketing system designed for local businesses and professionals who want to gain an advantage over their competition. The network was developed by John Williams, a local real estate professional who needed a way to compete with the “big companies”. He saw that the Internet was the place where he could do that. John believed it takes more than a single website to make your Internet marketing a success. He also understood that the term “Location, Location, Location” did not just apply to real estate, but also to the Internet. Since 1998 we have been buying and selling premium “Internet locations” (ie. domains) and acquired a large inventory of premium geo-targeted domain names. Many of these are used in Connecting St Louis™. Each network website has a powerful, targeted, easy-to-remember, “premium” domain name. Many of our websites get considerable “typed-in Traffic” or what is called direct navigation traffic (where the consumer types the website name directly into the browser bar).

Why don’t you provide traditional advertising metrics like Impressions, Clicks, etc.?

We aren’t an advertising platform, we’re a networking platform. While we have “ads” on our websites that highlight your business, we’re more concerned with the type and quality of referrals. We always ask ourselves – what’s a lead worth to you? For many professionals, a referral lead is much more valuable than any random click or impression brought in by traditional advertising.

What kind of value can I expect from joining this platform?

Be sure to check out all the product features here. Overall, Connecting St. Louis™ is meant to help you run your business better and to bring in more business in the process.

What sort of member-only content can I expect to get?

As fellow business owners, we all understand the struggles you face as a local businessperson. And we know that the main question you are constantly faced with is “How can I do more with less?” That could mean how can you generate more leads with less money? Or how can you produce more marketing content with less time? Or any number of things. We’ll provide content and recommendations that will help you grow your business with LESS.

I don’t have the money to pay for another marketing item.

As fellow small business owners, we are very familiar with stretching budgets to the max. Our question for you would be, “How much is a lead worth to your business?” With the tools that the Connecting St. Louis™ network brings, we feel the value to help you increase your leads are there.

I could probably get the information you are sharing about how to grow my business from a free source.

True, a lot of the information we are sharing isn’t anything earth-shattering. However, we do pride ourselves in making sure the content is relevant to St. Louis, local businesses – not generic, national recommendations. Also, remember that we’re not just a membership site. By joining, you are also getting access to placing your Clickable Contextual ads on up to 500 different local St. Louis sites when you use your unique referral code. That, combined with the exclusive content and the network of fellow, like-minded St. Louis marketers will provide a lot of value that you couldn’t get from a “free” source.

I don’t have time to do something else.

We completely understand the time constraints that are faced by small businesses. Saying yes to one thing inevitably means saying no to something else. However, our tools and benefits are meant to help you do more with less AND provide some added value to your organization in something you do already: Referrals. With Connecting St. Louis™, when you share our referral link to someone else in our network, your business’ ad is shown right there with them, giving you the added bonus of staying top of mind for the person you shared the referral link with. And another added bonus? If the person you shared the referral link to shares it on social media or with someone else, they will also see your ad on all the pages they visit, as well!

I don’t think this is for me.

You’re absolutely right, this membership isn’t for everyone (and, frankly, we don’t want just anyone to join). We’re looking for local business owners who use referrals as their lifeblood and are open to unconventional means to get those referrals. We only want people who are committed to building something together. With the network of websites Connecting St. Louis™ represents, we only want those who understand and are willing to fully use it to grow their business (and help others grow their businesses, as well).

Why are you only opening up this system for an initial 100 businesses?

We want this platform to truly be a community of committed members. This system won’t be for everyone and we want to make sure everyone involved is committed as the next person.

Still have questions?

Click here to contact us!